Southwest Airlines MOD + data
Captura de tela
<u>Book a flight in just a few easy steps</u>
Check in, change or cancel your flights. Plus, add extras like EarlyBird Check-In®.
<u>Super-Fast Shopping & Booking</u>
Book a trip in just a few quick taps. Make it even faster when you use your stored credit cards or PayPal® account.
<u>Everything you need to Travel</u>
Get the information you need right at your fingertips on the home screen - gate information, boarding position, flight status and more.
<u>Boarding Pass on the Go</u>
Get mobile boarding passes for all passengers on your trip 24 hours in advance. Southwest passes have rich color and bold font, which makes seeing your Gate and Boarding Position very clear. Find the details you need quickly: Flight Number, Confirmation Number, Boarding Time, Tier Status, and TSA Pre-Check. Don’t forget to add your Mobile Boarding Passes to Google Pay!
<u>Travel Funds</u>
Look up and use your Travel Funds!
<u>Inflight Entertainment</u>
Use the app to take you to our Inflight Entertainment Portal where you can watch Free Live TV<sup>1</sup>, listen to Free Music<sup>1</sup>, play Free Games, access on-demand TV content<sup>2</sup>, and watch Movies without having to download a separate app<sup>2</sup>
*Available only on WiFi-enabled aircraft. Limited time offer. Where available. <sup>1</sup>Due to licensing restrictions, on WiFi-enabled international flights Free Live TV and iHeartRadio may not be available for the full duration of flight. <sup>2</sup>To view movies and select on-demand TV content, download the Southwest app from the Google Play Store before your flight.
<u>Live Chat</u>
Contact our Customer Representatives through Live Chat by scrolling down to Contact Us in the navigation drawer, and then tap on “Chat”.
<u>Airport Pickup and Drop-off</u>
Thanks to our partnership with Lyft®, you can now use the app to help you request a Lyft®! You’ll know key information like estimated time of arrival and estimated price before booking. More of a rental car person? You can do that in the app, too.
<u>Cars, Hotels, and Vacations</u>
Use our app to quickly book all of your travel needs.
<u>Earn Rewards when you Travel</u>
Sign up for Rapid Rewards® and earn points on your flights. Did you forget to add your Rapid Rewards number during booking? – No worries, you can add it after booking your flight and still earn points. You can then use those points to purchase more flights!