Crew - Free Messaging and Scheduling MOD + data
Comece a usar Crew para melhorar a comunicação da equipe e economizar tempo na programação.
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Crew simplifies team communication and scheduling. Managers and employees can create group messages, schedule shifts and assign tasks. Join for free.
Use Crew to quickly and easily send instant messages to anyone you work with, without sharing your phone number or knowing theirs. Send a group message or a have 1:1 chat. No matter the size of your team, Crew is the ultimate team communication tool.
You can manage your team scheduling straight from Crew. View and distribute the store schedule with a few simple taps on the phone. You can also swap shifts with coworkers, ask your manager a question, send group messages, share photos, files and documents with the entire team and a whole lot more from the palm of your hand. No more searching for people's phone numbers or worrying about them not checking their email.
Crew helps you manage tasks across your team. Not sure what tasks there are to do today? Just check Crew. Replace your team's tasks process with Crew and you can easily assign tasks to coworkers from your phone and get notified when the tasks you asked someone to do are complete. Crew even lets you verify whether the tasks you've assigned have been seen and started.
• Communicate faster with reliable, organized messaging on your phone
• Send chat messages to everyone, specific groups or have conversations 1:1
• Connect your entire team without exchanging phone numbers
• See exactly who’s read your messages
• Send unlimited photos and videos
• Simplifies scheduling for your entire team
• Check your work schedule on your phone at anytime
• Easily get shift covers or pick-up extra shifts
• Track and manage when employees are available to work
• Get shift reminders and track your wages
• Share files and documents with coworkers
• Assign tasks to coworkers and get notified when they’re completed
• Turn up teamwork. Crew lets you give kudos, say thank you and recognize great work
• A free app that works for everyone on your team
Crew is fully committed to your privacy. Your data is encrypted, and will not be shared or sold to any third-party, period.
Mais detalhes para Crew - Free Messaging and Scheduling MOD
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